
Feb 21, 2010

Dyeing Day

Today I spent a few hours outside playing with the yarn that I have spun in the past and dyed yesterday. It was all dyed in the ball and I needed to make it into skeins so that it would dry
better and then back into balls once it was dry so it would fit on the Wall of Wool better. The dye pots were blue/violet/red and red/brown and it is always fascinating to see the different colours it can be on the different coloured yarns.

I buy yarn whenever I see it whether it is 'good' or not, always aware that I can over-dye it if it is ugly or if I have too much of
it. I have found some great bulk bags of yarn recently at Walmart that looks like soy wool that I have had in the past but it is not labeled so, it says '"unknown fibre".

The hand-spun I dyed is mostly thrum yarn, meaning I spun
wool thrums left over from wrap weaving into the yarn and double-plied it. I find that two-ply works best for me in the warp of my weaving, it does not pull apart so easily.

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